so, who is blu?

at eleven years old, jaziyyah, also known as blu, was introduced to the world of poetry by his dear mother. she found some love letters he had been writing and encouraged him to explore poetry as a future interest. at that moment, he realized writing would soon play an essential role in his life.

blu claims that being a creative has made him a better storyteller, a better writer, a better observer, and a better human being. he states that he found his purpose waiting on him in the pages of poetry.

blu’s mission is to open any reader or listener’s mind to new perspectives while also aiming to create empathic experiences, one poem at a time.

he makes it his business to create connections among all mediums of creativity and do his part in appreciating others’ passions as if they were his own.

please feel free to contact blu if you would like to learn more about him, his services or the depths of his work.

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